Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"Jonathan Swift's Irish Mystery Meat"

At long last, my overseas address is available. Here it is:

Lcpl Doody, D.P.
8th ESB (Fwd) Alpha Co., 1st Platoon
Unit 73682
FPO/AE 09509-3682

You can send pretty much anything you think I'll like to that address, with a few exceptions I'll note below. A big favorite is DVDs. We have a whole mess of portable DVD players within the platoon, and they are a great way to zone out for awhile. My personal favorite thing to get are books. Thrillers & mysteries, mainly. We got a box of harlequin romance novels last time, and I must admit, after a few months alone, they get your motor running. If you know what I mean.

If you want to send food, make sure it's non-perishable. The heat over there will destroy perishables. Someone tried sending us some girl scout cookies last time, but when it got to us, all we had was girl scout soup. Hard candy triumphs in the desert environment.

Aside from that, you can let the following help guide you on what to send: "If I was going on a really boring, shitty camping trip, what would I want?"

On the No-No list we have most of what you would expect: No alcohol, firearms, ammunition, drugs, etc. etc. They say that pornography isn't allowed, but it's physically impossible for me to type words that say you can't send it. Aside from their obvious uses, Tobacco and Pornography are the desert equivalent of gold ingots. Anything from a Blackhawk Helicopter to bricks of pure cocaine can be yours if you've got enough cigarettes or XXX money shots to pay for it.

Now that we've covered my two favorite subjects, Nose candy & porn, I'm on to a more serious note. I found out on Sunday that my Grandfather is in the hospital with pnemonia. After having my emergency leave request denied, I sent him an email that should be with him by now. Just in case the words I'm typing out here reach you Grandad, I want you to know that I love you, and you've been in my thoughts constantly in the last few days.

That's all for the moment. I will do my damndest to put in one final update before I leave for Iraq. Then I will do my damndest once again to find a way to keep this thing updated while I'm over there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude! Keep an eye out for some really good romance novels. I'm talking where the heroine almost lets her hair down.
And remember, Mallard! Mallard!

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey PL
First package is off. I think dinner is NOT ENOUGH! :)Enjoy, and bring me back a Marine.

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot wait until you come home! I have a list of things we're going to do to celebrate as soon as you get home. Most of which are not subject to prosecution under the UCMJ. I'll be sending you a care package today & your first motomail is en route. I adore you. I'll be waiting. XOXOXXX

Your Girl

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I'll be winging something your way soon. It will probably consist of very cleverly disguised midget porn and a gallon of my very own bathtub gin disguised as mouhtwash. Hmmm...would that work, actually? I guess, more importantly, would you get in trouble if I sent you, say...a Scope bottle full of cheap scotch and green food coloring? Or would it just not reach you at all?

On a serious note, good luck, God bless, and bring me back an ear.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave, I'll be winging something your way soon. It will probably consist of very cleverly disguised midget porn and a gallon of my very own bathtub gin disguised as mouhtwash. Hmmm...would that work, actually? I guess, more importantly, would you get in trouble if I sent you, say...a Scope bottle full of cheap scotch and green food coloring? Or would it just not reach you at all?

On a serious note, good luck, God bless, and bring me back an ear.

(formerly) Mike Vacuous

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, um, do they inspect all the DVDs you get mailed? And do you have a region-free player? And do you mind if your porn is in a language other than English?

A guy from a message board

3:53 AM  

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